This is such a big question that I am going to do a few blog posts to answer!
Today I am going to answer by telling you how I use essential oils every day. For emotions. I support my own emotional health every day with essential oils and the emotional health of my family.

One of the most simple and powerful ways to use essential oils for emotional support is aromatically (breathing them in!). This can be done by putting oils in a diffuser. It is so easy to pop a 2-4 drops of oil and top up with water to enjoy the aroma which travels up the olfactory nerve and into the limbic part of the brain, powerfully affecting our emotions. We can breathe them in by applying them to the collar of our work shirt or a scarf to enjoy all day. We can apply the oils topically as a ‘pure-perfume’ and bless all those around us with our aroma. We can even ingest many of the oils to support mood and emotions.
Too sciency?! Lets give you some examples:
Citrus oils like lemon, wild orange, tangerine, lime are great for boosting mood
Mint oils like peppermint, spearmint and dōTERRA blends ‘motivate’ and combination of wild orange and peppermint are powerful tools for boosting energy.
Flowers for calming; lavender, magnolia, rose and blends such as ‘console’.
Woody oils for grounding and powerful moves forward in emotional balance; frankincense, black spruce, cedarwood and blends ‘balance’ and ‘forgive’.
This is just the beginning. We can all benefit from support with our emotional health 🙂 and you will find the oils that most suit you.
If you have never experienced doterra essential oils then we need to chat! I would love to send you a sample to try for a problem you are experiencing physically or emotionally, and invite you to a class to learn more.
See you soon
Jen x
Hi Jenny I was talking to Geraldine Last night and we got talking all things Oils. My Mum was a Reiki Master so I have been using oils all my life. Started off with candle oil burners, then tried Water baths on radiators so was estatic when infusers became available. I am interested in Balance. Have you a roll on I can buy and how much is it to buy. PS. Lived in Tripoli Libya for 4 years and use to buy Frankincense from the down town souk. Heaven. Thanks Jo
Hi Jo, I would love to chat further. I am sorry I missed this message until now. send me an email at jennie@redemptionhealth.co.uk and I would love to help get you started. Jen x
Many thanks extremely practical. Will share site with my buddies.
Good to hear